Sunday, 28 July 2013

The Magical Crystals

Crystals are the greatest gift from Mother Earth to us. The crystals are a source of high energy which can be accessed by us to heal, meditate and protect us. The crystal energies also help us in become more aware, build intuition, boost self confidence, relieve stress and so on. In fact crystals can be used for over thousands of uses. Crystals have been mined and used for over centuries. They have been used as part of jewellery, architecture (to adorn ancient temples) and also used as paint (for example Lapis Lazuli was ground to powder and used to paint the walls of temples).
If you wonder how a crystal affect the human body? Well the answer is that we all have life force or energy flowing within us. The energy is focussed in body in form of chakras.
We have seven major chakras – 
The Root Chakra, The Sacral Chakra, The Solar Plexus Chakra, The Heart Chakra, The Throat Chakra, The Ajna Chakra and the Crown Chakra. 
I will write in detail about Chakras and how to heal them in my next blog. Write now let us stick to crystals. Each Chakra has a specific function, when we're tired, stressed, unwell or depressed our chakras can slow down or even stop working (which really isn't that uncommon in the stressful society that we are a part of). Crystals are used by healers to help realign chakras, they can assist the healing process, and can be programmed for particular jobs.

Crystals have their own energy and frequency. They can enhance, promote and bring in chosen energies for our benefit. Like for instance -

  •  Rose Quartz has love and nurturing energy. If you feel down or depressed, holding a Rose Quartz in your hand and meditating upon it will help you release the negative energy and harmonize yourself with the crystal energy and feel uplifted.
  • Tourmalines help at times of change, within the tourmaline family there are different types: Black deflects negativity, Green brings emotional well being, watermelon (pink and green) and red help during times of change although in different ways.
  • Topazes bring clarity, higher perspectives, and enhance creativity.
  • Diamond is an amplifier and purifier
  • Rubies strengthens the will and gives courage
  • Emeralds help to turn negativity into positively.
Choosing the right Crystal for you
The best way is to let your intuition guide you, if you feel really drawn to one piece that’s the one for you. It can be incorporated into jewellery or be raw pieces.
Crystals in their natural form are the most powerful. When crystals are cut, shaped and polished they can lose their natural force. However if the piece you like has been shaped and polished working and wearing the stone will bring energy and life back to the stone and it will perform its natural function.

Here are some crystals that are available for sale. It is very critical to note that crystals need to be procured from authentic sources. There are lot of places that sell unnatural crystals that do not give the desired results.

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