Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Hosting Angels at Home

When I first got an invitation from a friend to host Angels at my home, I was excited, happy and eager to know about it. I have been working with Angels for a long time now and keep calling upon them for any kind of help or guidance. But when my friend told me about this wonderful ritual I could not refuse.

To give you all a background, Irmi, a German medium, experienced a visit by some unnamed chosen angels, highly placed in the angel hierarchy, for her to be inspired by the film “Pay it Forward”. It has been said that by the 20th repetition the whole world could be affected, so large is the exponential function.

It is the angels’ desire to go out and for 5 consecutive days stay and work with three individuals and help them to fulfill three personal wishes. After this, each individual will send the angels on to three new individuals who have said YES to receive them. The angels will stay 5 days then continue onto the new hosts.
The angels always arrive at the new place on the agreed upon day at 10:30pm and leave 5 days later at 10:30pm.  Between this 5-day visit, the angels have a rest period of 5 days when they are on their way to the next three hosts. During this 5-day period, the next individuals prepare to receive the angels.

The Archangels who visit our home are - Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and Metatron. By hosting them we are assisting them to serve humanity, mother earth and all universes in more direct ways, and they thank us for our willingness to participate.
The hosting of the archangels was started in New York in 2010 through someone’s spiritual guidance.
People who have hosted angels for 5 days have shared their experiences and it is special to every individual.

Angel Altar
Coming back to me. I welcomed the angels at my residence yesterday (11th Nov 2014) at 10.30 p.m. Yes this is a standard time that the angels visit homes irrespective of where in the world you live. Before their arrival, I created an altar for them. The altar consists of a vase with white flowers, a white candle or an electric light which ever you can leave it on for 5 days, a letter to angels mentioning 3 wishes – one for mama Earth, one for your family and one for your own self and an apple that you will eat at the end of the 5 days.
I decorated my altar with some crystals as well. Placed the vase with white flowers, lights on, wishlist in an envelope and an apple. I was all set to welcome the angels. At exactly 10.30 p.m. I opened the door and welcomed the angels by reading out a small prayer. I felt so much of joy, excitement and peace. I showed them around the house and asked them to make themselves comfortable.

I was unable to sleep for a long time…was very hyper. I guess I was anticipating too many things. I relaxed and surrendered the need to experience something “wow” and drifted off to sleep.

I look forward to the rest of the 4 days. My intention is to seek guidance, direction and higher connection with the angelic realm. Will post my experiences after I complete the entire ritual.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Awakening the Shakti within!

I wanted to write something for women on Women’s day, but I could really not think of anything.  For being a woman meant so many things to me. Which aspect of being a woman should I write about? Should I write about her beauty or the repercussions of her beauty, her nurturing qualities or about being abused, her Shakti to stand up for herself or her vulnerability to succumb to pressures.

A myriad of emotions, thoughts and feelings ran across my mind when I actually paused and asked myself what it means to be a woman. As women we all have gone through bitter-sweet experiences in our lives ever since we were little children. My personal life was a roller coaster ride as well. But what I realized is that it is us that makes our experience. Whatever circumstances we may face, if we love, honor and respect ourselves, life too will.

We have also been told about how different we are from men. Right from our childhood we have been hearing this. So what if we are different? Does that make us bad? No...that makes us special. Rejoice in the fact that we are women! I think it is an honor to be born as a woman. Therefore it is our duty to honor ourselves, awaken the divine Shakti within us and unite with the blissful feminine energy that will give us absolute peace, love, grounding and power.

I think this is a right time to pause and take a good look at yourself. What you have gone through in life is remarkable but can you shake off the feeling that ‘it is not enough’ or ‘I am not good enough’ or ‘I could have done better’. All these are self-battering thoughts that only make you attract more struggle and misery. Wouldn’t you want freedom form such life? Would you want to reclaim your power as a woman?  If yes..then it is time.

I would like to share few tips that helped me immensely to realize my power as a woman and create a life as I wanted. I am happy to share these with you with the hope that this will also help you achieve your place.
 Start your day with gratitude – As you wake up, sit on your bed for few minutes and thank all the people, things and situations around you.

 Use Affirmations to set your intent for the day - Affirm “I now decide to have a fantastic day”, “I am successful in all my endeavors”, “I find joy and happiness in whatever I choose to do today”.

Create an environment that makes you happy – change the décor in your house, declutter your closets, get some new plants and connect with mother earth,paint your walls…do anything that will help you bond with your environment.

Respect your body – it does not matter what size you are. Love your body. Nourish it with healthy foods and beverages. Do not be critical about the way you look or the way you dress. Take pride in what you are and you will notice that twinkle in your eye.

Go on a self date – Go out once a week all by yourself and enjoy. It could be going to a movie, a dance class, shopping..anything. Be with yourself and enjoy your company.

Always engage in positive self talk – you cannot expect others to treat you respectfully and nicely if you do not respect yourself. Stop criticizing yourself. Give yourself compliments and pat yourself every time you do something.  

Take time out for yourself – However busy we are, we can easily squeeze in 10-15 minutes for ourselves..can’t we? This ‘Me-Time’ works wonders. It is time you unplug yourself from your daily chores and just be with yourself. Sit, relax, enjoy some fresh juice or green tea, listen to your inner voice. The result…you’ve got to experience it!!

Nurture a hobby – Many times we forgot about our passions and interests. Get in touch with your hobbies. Hobbies are a wonderful way to distress and calm your mind. Be it reading, singing, gardening, swimming..take out time for it.

End your day again with gratitude – what better way to end a day. Express your thanks to all the people who have touched your life. It could be your cab driver, or the vegetable vendor or a friend. Thank all. Most importantly thank yourself for being such a wonderful person – such a wonderful woman!.