Friday, 13 February 2015

A Rose for a Rose…Love is in the air!

February is the month for celebration of Love. Not that we need a specific month or day to express our love to our loved ones or feel the emotion of Love, a special day dedicated to Love makes it even more special. It consciously helps us to focus on the love energy around us which we fail to acknowledge in our day to day circus of life.
And when we talk about Love and crystals, the only crystal that takes the top spot is the beautiful, lovely, gorgeous and loving Rose Quartz. Rose Quartz works on the heart chakra. Our heart chakra is the seat for love, compassion, appreciation, beauty and peace. Rose quartz stimulates and opens our heart chakra and helps heal a broken heart. 

The beautiful pink colour of Rose Quartz represents unconditional love and gentleness. This stone of love exudes a calming, warm, soothing, accepting, nurturing, compassionate and self-loving energy. It provides us with an inner peace and harmony. Rose Quartz increases our self-esteem and self-confidence and in doing so enhances our capacity to have compassion and love for ourselves and others. This pink beauty calms and balances our emotions and can ease a whole host of issues: stress, anger, guilt, panic attacks, anxieties, aggression, resentment and depression. That’s not all, it also helps developing patience and forgiveness too. No wonder it is considered a powerful emotional healer.

Apart from the emotional healing that Rose Quartz does for us, it also helps us in staying healthy and fit physically. It helps remove the stressors that take a toll on our heart and turns that negative energy into a love-centered energy. In addition to all of the good it bestows on our heart, rose quartz also encourages the optimum functioning of our kidneys, adrenals, liver, lungs and genitals. Plus it can increase fertility.
Because rose quartz makes us feel better about ourselves, it helps with any eating dis-orders we may have and can be a positive and encouraging influence on our efforts to lose weight.
You want a clear skin, get rid of wrinkles? RQ is ready to help. Trouble having a peaceful sleep? Tuck in under your pillow and enjoy a peaceful sleep.

RQ also works very well in healing relationships, be it with your spouse, partner, family members, colleagues etc. It also helps in creating more love, bond, friendship and trust in a relationship.
So what are you waiting for? Get a sparkly Rose for your Rose….

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Angelspace: Crystals for good sleep

Angelspace: Crystals for good sleep:   A good night’s sleep is the most important part of our daily life. It is essential that we sleep well in order to be active, healthy, c...

Angelspace: Crystals for Hair Growth

Angelspace: Crystals for Hair Growth: If I were to ask you what is the thing that stresses you most? I am sure your answer would be thinning hair or hair loss that is adding mo...

Crystals for Hair Growth

If I were to ask you what is the thing that stresses you most? I am sure your answer would be thinning hair or hair loss that is adding more to your stress and tension!

You must have tried thousands of beauty or medical hair products, homemade remedies, medication etc. and the problem still continues. Understand that any physical condition that we face is a result of our internal turmoil or negative thought patterns.

Hair loss is a result of constant stress because we are constantly disapproving ourselves, trying to control things, not reclaiming our own power and trying to make things perfect. Can we come to this understanding that everything around us is perfect in its own way including us?!
Well my intention is not to go on a sermonizing mode, but to help you understand what lies beneath a so called “disease/illness” a condition.

Just the way we have many remedies, Crystals are also a very good choice to work with, when dealing with problems like thinning hair or hair loss.

The crystal that can be used for hair growth or should I say hair re-growth is Moonstone. Moonstone specifically alleviates degenerative conditions of the hair, skin and eyes. It is also the most beneficial stone for women and their energy.

So how do we use Moonstone to help us?
Making an elixir from it, and applying directly to the scalp is the most effective way of treating hair loss. The best method for making an elixir is to place a cleansed, and charged, stone into a glass bowl with about 1 cup of clear water. Place the bowl in the sunlight for 6-7 hours, then remove the stone, and add 1 cup Brandy or Apple Cider Vinegar to the gem water to preserve this elixir if it is to be used for more than 1 week (you will have enough here to last you for quite some time, so I recommend doing this step). Put this elixir into a brown glass bottle. If you are a Reiki practitioner, charging the water with Reiki will make it even more potent.

This method creates a highly concentrated gem elixir, and it is to be treated like essential oils, in that you must dilute it before use. For a scalp treatment add 7 drops to about 2 tbsp of water or oil and then apply directly to scalp and leave it overnight or couple of hours.

You could also add Amethyst along with Moonstone, as it will help you de-stress and release any kind of tension in your scalp.

Hope you like this hair growth tip. Do share your feedback once you try it.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Crystals for good sleep

 A good night’s sleep is the most important part of our daily life. It is essential that we sleep well in order to be active, healthy, calm and stress free. A minimum of 7-8 hours of good sleep is recommended by doctors in order to calm our mind and body. Lack of sleep starts up a domino effect that ends up influencing many areas of our lives; concentration, relationships, weight, emotional well-being, decision-making, communications, spiritually. All of this…left untreated…eventually ends up effecting our health.

Drinking coffee/tea or colas, eating just before sleep, eating heavy/oily/high calorie dinners, working on your computer, talking on the phone etc., just make matters worse by releasing hormones that wreak havoc on us physically, emotionally & spiritually.

There are many things we can do before we go to sleep in order to calm our minds and get a restful sleep. Listening to soft music, having a warm water bath, meditation, basic deep breathing exercise etc. help us unwind from the day’s stress and tiredness and sleep peacefully.

We can also use crystals to help us calm down, de-stress and surrender ourselves to a restful sleep. Here are few crystals that I recommend that will help you get your much needed beauty sleep!

1. Rose Quartz – Rose quartz helps in calming your heart. Holding a RQ crystal in your hand for few minutes before sleep and meditating will calm you down. You can also life down and place the crystal on your heart chakra as you slip into slumber.
Abundance Garden

2. Amethyst – Amethyst will help you sleep peacefully. If you are a person who gets nightmares and bad dreams, Amethyst is the crystal for you. It helps in de-stressing and release all tensions from your mind and body. Amethyst works on your third eye chakra, thereby relieving you from any heachaches or pain. Amethyst is also a lovely dream-time stone.

3. Sodalite – Sodalite is a powerful calming & soothing stone. When combined with Amethyst it relaxes, calms and soothes the nerves and body.

4. Lepidolite - Another crystal you could include is Lepidolite. Partly due to it’s lithium elemental content, it’s very good for calming your mind & encouraging sleep, ushering in good dreams as well. 

5. Clear Quartz – This is great for enhancing energies and clearing all negative energies from your bedroom. It will also help in amplifying the energies of the other crystals in the room.

You can either place tumbles or the above mentioned crystals under your pillow or make mojo bags with some aromatic herbs like lavender, Chamomile, Ashwagandha, Tulsi (holy basil) etc.

I am sure these tips will help you sleep well and face the day with gusto, happiness and energy. So have a good night, sleep tight and don’t let the bugs bite ;)