Friday, 31 July 2015

Crystals and their many uses


As we know, crystals have properties that help us at metaphysical, physical, emotional and mental levels. Each crystal has multiple properties and benefits that we can use by connecting with them.
Today I am listing down few issues or situations and also the crystals associated to heal them. Check which ones you resonate with and get those crystals into your life! 

1. It is difficult or hard for me to concentrate.
Sodalite helps to clear up both mental and emotional confusion, and help in developing concentration.

2. I’d like to be more in touch with angels.
Angelite helps us to be in touch with angels. It assists in connecting with our guardian angels, archangels and our animal guides as well. A wonderful stone to develop intuition and connection to the angelic realm.

3. I have lots of ideas, but I can’t seem to materialize them.
Citrine helps you to manifest your ideas so that you can begin to act upon them.

4. I have lots of ideas, but it’s difficult for me to express them.
Turquoise helps you to clarify ideas and to express them creatively. It even helps you to speak your truth with love and confidence.

5. I have difficulty letting go of old patterns, habits and beliefs
Hematite helps you to release unwanted patterns that may have become bad habits. It helps you to let go of things from the past, releasing all the negative energy from your body. It is an excellent grounding stone.

6. I wish I liked myself more.
Rose Quartz is the most beneficial stone for self-love. It helps you to appreciate yourself, regardless of what you consider your shortcomings to be. Forgiveness and unconditional love are the best gifts of Rose Quartz.

7. I never have enough money to satisfy my needs.
Citrine helps you to harness your individual and unique talents to create abundance. Place it in your money box or wallet.
Aventurine enables abundance, bringing good luck, wonderful opportunities and money.

8. I resent what some people have done to me, and find it difficult to forgive them.
Rose Quartz helps you to open your heart to all types of love. It facilitates the release of any old emotional wound you are holding onto, helping you to heal and forgive.
9. I often find that I absorb other people’s energies. If someone is sad, I find myself feeling sad, too.
Hematite helps you to deflect, rather than absorb, the moods of others. It also helps to rid your body of all negative energy by grounding you and connecting you to the energy of the Earth.

10. I feel that I lack imagination.
Carnelian helps to get your creative juices flowing. An excellent crystal for writers, singers, poets or people in any creative field.

11. I feel stressed out a great deal of the time.
Blue Lace Agate helps to soothe an overactive mind and facilitates the release of stress and anxiety. It is one of the most powerful crystals for stress and anxiety.

12. I have a low opinion of myself.
Carnelian helps to increase your self-confidence and self-esteem.

13. It is hard for me to let go of anger.
Smoky Quartz helps you to overcome negative emotions, such as fear, jealousy and anger. It replaces them with feelings of balance and calmness.

14. There seems to be a lot of negativity in my life.
Hematite and Black Tourmaline are the best of healing crystals for removing any kind of negativity. As soon as it touches your body, you will feel the grounding energy and your mood will be lifted. It draws all the negative energy out of your body.

15. I’d like to be more prosperous.
Jade helps you to attain abundance by attracting wisdom, prosperity and new opportunities.

16. I wish I were more in touch with nature.
Tree Agate help to deepen your connection with the Earth. They emit calming energies that help to restore inner peace.

17. I often feel emotionally unbalanced or I feel as if I’m on an emotional roller coaster.
Moonstone assists you either ways - when you’re feeling over-emotional or out of touch with your feelings. It helps you in balancing your emotions.

18. I would like more serenity in my life.
Amethyst is one of the best stones for stress relief, balance, intuition and calming energies. Aquamarine also brings strong soothing, calming and serene energies.

19. I wish I knew what’s stopping me from having what I want.
Obsidian helps to bring to the surface the hidden and limiting beliefs, which may be blocking you from attaining what you want.

20. I’m oversensitive.
Hematite helps to shield you from being affected by the opinions or feelings of others. Many times being over-sensitive means being over-affected by how others view you or what others say.

21. Sometimes I don’t trust myself.
Rose Quartz is the stone for loving yourself, and naturally trust will follow love.

22. I’m depressed a lot of the time.
Smoky Quartz; when we are depressed, we feel both that we have no solid ground to stand on and that light is absent from our lives. This stone, which is light and dark filled, can help to alleviate feelings of depression.
Sunstone is also good to work with when feeling low or depressed. It brings in joyful and sun energy into your life and spurs you into action.

23. I need more passion in my life.
Garnet infuses your life with passion and energy.

24. I have frequent nightmares and have trouble sleeping.
Amethyst is the most renowned healing crystal to help you sleep and prevent nightmares. Combining it with the powerful energy of Selenite and Quartz Crystal, magnifies the power.

25. I find it impossible to let go of old relationships.
Black Onyx is the best stone for breaking unwanted ties to the past.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Back to the Basics: Using and caring for your crystals!

Every time someone buys a crystal from me, they ask about the ways in which crystals can be used and also what is the best way to keep them cleansed and cleared of any negative energy.
Hence for everyone’s benefit, I thought of putting it down here. You will find many ways of crystal care all over the internet. They are all fine. But what I am going to share with you are the methods I have been personally using. These methods have benefited me immensely and I have found that my bond with my crystals is growing deeper by the day.
So let us start from the very beginning. You want to buy your very first crystal. Great! Just the intention of wanting to have a crystal in your life will lead you to it. Crystals have a magical way of entering our lives. Sometimes we receive them as a gift, dream of them or are even guided to buy it.

How to choose a crystal
If you are visiting a place that sells crystals, the best way to choose one is by following your intuition. Look around the store, take in the wonderful energy and beautiful array of colors and sparkle emanating from the crystals on display. Pay attention to your feelings. Is there a tumble that’s attracting you? Or is there a beautiful piece of geode that beckoning you to hold it in your hands. PAY ATTENTION!

It is amazing how your higher self or intuition will guide you to pick up the right crystal needed for your healing.

Clear Quartz Hearts
The other method is you can also consult a crystal therapist and ask what kind of crystal to be used for any specific issues that you would like to heal and manifest.

Amethyst, Clear Quartz and Roe Quartz are the best ‘first’ crystals to pick up when you are not sure which one to start with.

What to do once you get your crystal

First and foremost you need to cleanse the crystal of all energy of the people who would have handled or touched it before it came to you. Crystals give and take energy, hence it is important to cleanse them when you first start working with them and also periodically when you feel that they have accumulated too much of dense energy. But worry not, it’s simple to cleanse crystals. The key ingredient you will need for this is INTENTION, rest is a process or a ritual. So set an intention that the crystal is rid of all the old and negative energy and follow any of these steps:
·         Run your crystal under water. Though holding your crystals under a running stream of water is ideal, but running tap water works just fine. 
·         Place your crystals on a ceramic plate and leave it on your window sill, balcony or garden in sunlight or moonlight. Both works fine. In fact placing them overnight during every full moon and new moon is an effective way to cleansing them.
There are many other ways of cleansing crystals like putting them in a singing bowl and letting the sound waves clear the negative energy, tucking them in soil for few hours, placing them brown rice or immersing them in incense smoke, I use the methods mentioned above and they work just fine.

How to connect with your crystal and program it
Amethyst Hearts
In order for the crystal to work for you, you need to connect with the crystal so that you align with the crystal energies. For this, hold your crystal in your hands and breathe. You are now connecting to your crystal. You are now connecting to the energy of the Earth that you hold in your hands.  You are listening to your breath and connecting to your inner self. Visualize the energy of the crystal filling every pore of your body. Now it is time to set your intention. What is it that you want the crystal to help you with? Is it feeling unconditional love, attract abundance and wealth, success, opportunities, good health? Set your intention and ask the crystal to bring that into your life. Please note that we can ask for things that are for our/others well-being and not to harm anyone. That’s it. You have programmed your crystal!

Where to place your crystals
Wherever you feel called to put it. TRUST YOURSELF. You know yourself better than anyone, and there isn’t a wrong place to put it–it will be different for everyone.
It could be in your living room, next to your bed, under your pillow or at your work desk. Follow your intuition!

Rose Quartz Bracelet
How to work with your crystals?

Now that is very simple! By holding and seeing it, you are working with your crystal. What does this mean? It means that when you hold your crystal, which carries the energy of the Earth, it reminds you that you deserve the best. YOU deserve love and you deserve to feel good. Treat yourself well and respect the Earth. In divine timing, it all falls into place. The energy of the Earth (which resides in all healing crystals) works differently with everyone. Each person is unique, as each crystal is unique, so it’s a personal experience.
Trust and have faith in your crystals. And above all trust that if something is meant for your highest good, the crystals will definitely help you in manifesting that.

What if you don’t feel anything when you hold your crystal?
Now this is a frequently asked question! Fret not…just give it some time. Patience is key here. It may take a while for you to align with the crystal energy, so don’t judge the experience. Trust that it will happen at the right time and keep making your efforts. Sometimes certain crystals don’t resonate at particular times, and other times, when you touch them, hairs stand up on your skin. Each crystal feels different.
There are many ways you can feel the energies of the crystals – like a tingling sensation in your palms, visuals in your mind’s eye, hot palms, a surge of energy in your body etc.

What next?
Well once you have established a connection with your crystals, ensure that you take out at least 10 minutes of time every day to hold them in your hands and meditate. Many times the crystals also give you some messages or guidance. Be open to these messages. At the same time if you don’t feel anything, do not worry. Just meditate with your intention of what you want the crystal to help you with.
You can even re-program your crystals for a different purpose once you are done with your initial purpose. Just follow the same process of cleansing them and programming them.
Crystals are your friends, companions and guides. You can open your heart to them and they will always gently support and guide you.
Love your crystals and see the magic they create in your life.

Want to buy crystals, or want a crystal healing session contact me at

Love and light to all!