Sunday 28 July 2013

The Magical Crystals

Crystals are the greatest gift from Mother Earth to us. The crystals are a source of high energy which can be accessed by us to heal, meditate and protect us. The crystal energies also help us in become more aware, build intuition, boost self confidence, relieve stress and so on. In fact crystals can be used for over thousands of uses. Crystals have been mined and used for over centuries. They have been used as part of jewellery, architecture (to adorn ancient temples) and also used as paint (for example Lapis Lazuli was ground to powder and used to paint the walls of temples).
If you wonder how a crystal affect the human body? Well the answer is that we all have life force or energy flowing within us. The energy is focussed in body in form of chakras.
We have seven major chakras – 
The Root Chakra, The Sacral Chakra, The Solar Plexus Chakra, The Heart Chakra, The Throat Chakra, The Ajna Chakra and the Crown Chakra. 
I will write in detail about Chakras and how to heal them in my next blog. Write now let us stick to crystals. Each Chakra has a specific function, when we're tired, stressed, unwell or depressed our chakras can slow down or even stop working (which really isn't that uncommon in the stressful society that we are a part of). Crystals are used by healers to help realign chakras, they can assist the healing process, and can be programmed for particular jobs.

Crystals have their own energy and frequency. They can enhance, promote and bring in chosen energies for our benefit. Like for instance -

  •  Rose Quartz has love and nurturing energy. If you feel down or depressed, holding a Rose Quartz in your hand and meditating upon it will help you release the negative energy and harmonize yourself with the crystal energy and feel uplifted.
  • Tourmalines help at times of change, within the tourmaline family there are different types: Black deflects negativity, Green brings emotional well being, watermelon (pink and green) and red help during times of change although in different ways.
  • Topazes bring clarity, higher perspectives, and enhance creativity.
  • Diamond is an amplifier and purifier
  • Rubies strengthens the will and gives courage
  • Emeralds help to turn negativity into positively.
Choosing the right Crystal for you
The best way is to let your intuition guide you, if you feel really drawn to one piece that’s the one for you. It can be incorporated into jewellery or be raw pieces.
Crystals in their natural form are the most powerful. When crystals are cut, shaped and polished they can lose their natural force. However if the piece you like has been shaped and polished working and wearing the stone will bring energy and life back to the stone and it will perform its natural function.

Here are some crystals that are available for sale. It is very critical to note that crystals need to be procured from authentic sources. There are lot of places that sell unnatural crystals that do not give the desired results.

Wednesday 3 July 2013

Go Gratitude !!!

God gave us 86,400 seconds today. Have we used one to say Thank You?

Gratitude is being thankful, counting our blessings, appreciating ourselves and others, enjoying simple pleasures of life and acknowledging all that we have.

Gratitude helps us in shifting our thoughts from what we lack to start accepting and appreciating the abundance of things we have. In fact, behavioural and psychological research has shown that surprising life improvements can stem from the practice of gratitude. Giving thanks makes people happier, more resilient, strengthens relationships, improves health, and reduces stress.

It is never too late to pause and recollect all the achievements we’ve had, all the people who touched our lives, helped us in some way or the other, our environment, our workplace, all the good things we have in our life. Let us express our gratitude towards all these open ourselves to experience the miracles of life.

Research proves that expressing gratitude everyday helps us in developing high level of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, optimism, energy, and we tend to be more creative, bounce back more quickly from adversity, have a stronger immune system, and have stronger social relationships. Gratitude also helps in reducing stress and depression. It is also proven that when we practice gratitude we are more likely to help others, exercise more regularly, and make greater progress toward achieving personal goals.
Acknowledge and appreciate every day’s gifts
We always tend to take things for granted. To understand the value of things we have in life, let us do this exercise. Imagine losing some of the things that we take for granted, such as our home, our ability to see or hear, our ability to walk, or anything that currently gives us comfort. Then imagine getting each of these things back, one by one, and consider how grateful we would be for each and every one.

Nurturing Gratitude not only helps us at an individual level but helps organizations grow. Given below are some tips that will help us increase gratitude levels at our personal as well as professional spaces.
Tips for practicing Gratitude
  • Maintain a gratitude journal. Take a couple of minutes at the end of each day to reflect on the day. Identify three things that happened during the day for which you are grateful (e.g. a co-worker’s extra effort, a manager’s feedback, and a customer’s honesty). Jot these three good things in the journal. It is also effective to review why each circumstance was good. This daily exercise of counting our blessings will increase and sustain happiness. 
  • Once in a week practice a ‘No Complaints’ day. On this day make it a point not complain about things in your life like, traffic jams, dealing with a difficult boss, workplace facilities, government etc. When we stop criticizing or complaining we start appreciating things around us. 
  • Make ‘Thank you’ notes for your family members, co workers, subordinates, boss and place them at places they can find it. Notice the smile and happiness gratitude brings in their life with this small gesture. This will create a deeper bonding between you and them. 
  • Make it a point to thank every person who helps you in some way or the other. It could be your driver who drives you to office and back home safely, your maid who helps you with all the housework, your security guards who keep your offices/homes safe and so on. 
  • Think of all the things you have like a beautiful home, wonderful car, satisfying job, great workplace, and thank them for being in your life. 
  • Develop an ‘Attitude of Gratitude’. 
Gratitude should not be just a reaction to get what we want, but an all-the-time gratitude, the kind where we notice the little things and where we constantly look for the good even in unpleasant situations. From today, start bringing gratitude to your experiences, instead of waiting for a positive experience to happen in order to feel grateful.

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Meet Healer of all maladies!!

Archangel Raphael is my favorite  I call upon him literally everyday – to heal myself, heal my loved ones and whenever I see an ambulance on the road I ask Raphael to heal the person who needs immediate medical attention!

I started connecting with Archangel Raphael to eliminate pains and aches in my body. My experience with him has been magical. He is always there to help and removes the pain or any kind of discomfort in no time.

Raphael is honored in Islam, Christianity and Judaism. His name means ‘God Heals’ or ‘He who Heals’ in Hebrew. Archangel Raphael’s color is emerald green. You can visualize emerald green light around the person or bodily area in need of healing as a way of invoking Archangel Raphael’s presence and healing energy. Some people see Raphael’s emerald green light as sparkles, flashes, or waterfalls of color. Raphael knows that if he announces his presence through his glowing green light, you’ll immediately relax and start to feel better.
Archangel Raphael frequently answers prayers by whispering suggestions that you hear as thoughts, feelings, dreams, and visions. When you get a strong hunch to take positive action, know that this is an answered prayer. Follow your hunches and they’ll lead you to renewed peace. Last week when I was doing an angel card reading, the message that came to me was to take up a regimen of Yoga and Massage for my physical and mental well being. It was so magical that the very next day I found a place right near my home that provided both these facilities (i’ve been living there for a year and never went to enrol for yoga) and I enrolled for a 15 day program. This is how Raphael gently nudges you to take care of your own health.

When Raphael is around, you may experience many different signs of his compassionate care for you. Here are some signs of Raphael's presence when he is nearby:

New Information or Ideas That Promote Healing
Raphael often brings to mind fresh information or new ideas that you can use as valuable tools to pursue healing from whatever is ailing you. "Archangel Raphael frequently answers prayers by whispering suggestions that you hear as thoughts, feelings, dreams, and visions," writes Doreen Virtue in her book ‘The Healing Miracles of Archangel Raphael’.

A Fresh Appreciation of Nature
Whenever you notice the beauty of God's natural creation around you and sense an urge to take good care of it, Raphael may be nearby. I often call upon Raphael to take care of my plants and flowers.

Help Healing Broken Relationships
Another sign of Raphael's presence with you is guidance that you receive about how to heal and restore relationships you have with others that have become broken.

Here is a simple prayer for Raphael.

"Sweet Raphael, I call on you, I know that you are there,
and ask you for your healing strength in answer to my prayer.
Please take away the sadness, take away the pain,

hold me in your healing wings and make me whole again"

Monday 1 July 2013

Meet Archangel Micheal

My tryst with Angels goes back a long way. I have been talking to them, communicating with them, seeking their help and they have been my best friends.

I was introduced to this beautiful realm on spiritual beings when I stumbled upon Doreen Virtue's book called Angel Therapy. I was so fascinated by what I read that it made me want to know more about them. Relating to Angels came to me naturally because as a child I grew up listening to wonderful stories about the mysteries of life, beyond life, stories about yogis and masters, spirituality, astral travels, past lives, reincarnation from my father. 

Angels are supernatural or celestial beings and are found in various mythologies and religions.They are the most divine, loving and wonderful beings who are ready to help you anywhere, anytime and for anything (for everyone's good of course!). The only condition to make them work for you is to ASK them to help you. They respect your free will and therefore do not jump in to help you if you do not ask them (again unless you are in a fatal danger!).

Angels give us practical, prescriptive advice about how to solve our dilemmas, remedy our hurts and resolve our challenges.

Two of my favorite angels are Archangel Micheal and Archangel Raphael.

Archangel Michael is the Archangel of protection, peace, safety, clarity and moving forward. Here is how you can connect to him and seek his help.

1. Find a pleasant space to work in. Sit in a comfortable chair or if you'd prefer, lie down. Just make sure your head is supported.
2.  Imagine little roots coming down from the soles of your feet. Imagine little roots coming down from the soles of your feet. They're pushing down into the ground below you, allowing your feet to feel safe and protected.
3.  Now see a golden circle of light from heaven pouring down around you. Now see a golden circle of light from heaven pouring down around you. Feel as if you're sitting within a golden circle of this loving light.
4. Call in Archangel Michael. You may like to say, "Archangel Michael work with me today" or "Archangel Michael please be at my side."
5.  Visualize Archangel Michael. Imagine him moving swiftly on a golden ray of light with his sword and blue light. Imagine Archangel Michael putting his "strong blue light" around you for protection.
6. Ask Archangel Michael for whatever help you need. You can simply imagine him with his sword of light, cutting away or dissolving any negativity from your life. Then ask Archangel Michael for the strength and courage to follow your divine life path.
7. Visualize or imagine Archangel Michael sending in his heavenly angels to help you. See a golden light from heaven pouring down around you. Just know that everything is being looked after right now.
8. Say "thank you." Believe that your situation is being taken care of. You may like to say "I am safe and protected now and always."
9. Continue to surround yourself with Archangel Michael's strong blue light. Do this for the rest of the day.
10. Trust now that Archangel Michael and his group of angels are looking after you.

You could ask Micheal to protect you against any kind of negative thoughts, people or any kind of negative energy.

Connecting with Micheal will give you peace, courage, sense of security and happiness. 

Hope you find this information useful and take our some time to connect with your angels..will write about Archangel Raphael in my next blog..till then angel blessings to all..

love n light :)